Contact Us

Expert Services | Honest Pricing | NWFA Certified Flooring Pros

Get a Fast Quote

We’re excited to hear from you and learn more about your flooring needs. Our team of experts is ready to provide you with an online quote and answer any questions you may have about our services. Don’t hesitate to contact us today and let us help you achieve the beautiful, durable floors you deserve.

Get The Best Hardwood Restoration in Dallas, TX in 3 Simple Steps

Call Us at (469) 260-3998

  • We can provide a Free In-Home Estimate

Schedule the project

  • After you have approved the project we can schedule the job at your convenience

Do the Job

  • We will now start & finish the job within the time frame given.

We service the Entire Dallas, TX Metro Area

(469) 260-3998

Email: [email protected]

Hours of Operation:

Mon - Sat 7:00 am to 7:00 pm

Sunday - Closed